
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Mouth Full

It seems that every day Rosalie is popping new teeth in. We are now up to FIFTEEN teeth and her last molar is coming through. She now has all her cuspids and 3 of her molars. Everyone says the molars are the worst, but honestly, we had such a harder time with the first 8 teeth and she has broken the following 7 (the molars and cuspids) with ease. It's crazy to see so many teeth in her mouth. My mom told Jacob how many teeth Rosalie had now and he said "Nuh uh.. she's a baby." After she convinced him that Rosalie now had 15 teeth, he had to count his own. He said he had 26 teeth. hahaha he's too funny.

I know I have really been slacking on the updates, but we have just been so busy. Kevin's working 12s this week so they can get some time off for Christmas.. we're half way through the week and it seems like it should be Friday. I've been trying to stay EXTREMELY busy to make the time pass faster, but it seems that I'm just wearing myself out. In the past 2 days I tore my house apart and did a nice deep, thorough cleaning. I did some organizing and threw stuff away. I got all of my laundry done (which is basically impossible here, but i did it) and everything is ironed and put away. I have even been working on my continuing educations for my x-ray license which are VERY time consuming. Here it is Wednesday, and there is nothing left to do. Guess I'll spend the rest of the week working on more continuing educations and working out. (with that being said, I'm doing really well with my diet.. i'm going to jump on the scale on Friday.. we'll see how that goes)

I won't lie.. I'm absolutely ready for Christmas to be over... because 1: I'm so tired of stressing over "are all the presents going to be here on time". I ordered Rosalie a shopping cart back in JUNE from Amazon. It never came and never came. Come October, I cancelled the ordered and ordered one from Walmart. Granted, I had to pay more, but I was being extremely picky over what I ordered. I wanted something with chunky wheels and had good reviews and of course it had to be pink. Well, it was shipped October 23rd and never showed. I contacted Walmart last week, they refunded our money because now that cart is out of stock. Go figure. They did give us a $15 gift card for all the trouble and I used it and got Rosalie a big set of 101 pieces of play food.. she's going to love it! So I ordered a different cart.. one that I liked better but at the time I ordered the first this one was out of stock. I got an e-mail from Walmart this morning, that one was out of stock too. I came to face the reality that the cart wasn't going to make it on time for Christmas, so I ordered one from Amazon that I originally wanted that doesn't ship APO and had it shipped to my moms house. I know it won't ship because of being oversized because the exact same cart in red ships APO, but the pink doesn't. So I had it shipped to my moms and told her she can either send it out to us, or keep it at the house til we come in February. It's not like she isn't getting enough for Christmas... you can't even walk in our spare room from the stacks of presents. Here's a pic of the cart I ordered.. isn't it freaken cute? You can put a doll in the car in the front!

Another problem I had was with something i ordered Kevin. I contacted customer service wondering why after 2 weeks it wasn't shipped and they said my order was cancelled (supposively they were having technical difficulties that day.. of course.. only this kind of thing would happen to me) and of course that item was no longer available.. so they honored the price that I got the first thing for and I had to pick something else. THEN there was something Kevin wanted and I completely forgot about it.. I ordered it, but I doubt it'll be here on time.

Reason number 2 I'm ready for Christmas to be over.. our tree. Rosalie has undecorated the entire bottom half of the tree and we've left it that way.. she keeps taking the balls off and smashing them so we just left it be. Our tree looks dumb now hahah. On top of that, she won't leave the lights alone now. All we get done doing is yelling at her to get away from the tree.

Reason number 3.. We are SO Christmas partied out. We had Kevin's shop party the first weekend in December. The second weekend we had Rosalie's Children's Christmas party.. which was a bust. Rosalie bawled when she sat on Santas lap... plus it was packed... We have the squadron Christmas party this weekend. Some pics from the Children's party..

My lil doll baby.. isn't she just the most precious little thing you ever did see?
She's that cool...
Santa trying to bribe Rosalie
All it took was one look and she lost it

Well that's about all for now. Ciao :)


  1. Awe poor Rosalie and all her teeth....and Santa, lol.

    So I'm assuming you are going to the MXS party Sat?! We'll be there!

  2. aww at everything... What a hassle with that shopping cart! wow. LOL at the tree decorations we don't really do anything for christmas soo I don't have that problem at home ..but last year when we went to our friends house it was the busiest 3 hours ever because SOfia kept stealing and breaking the ornaments. It was crazy keeping up with her ..I felt so bad for my friend's tree and sofia's craziness!

    I hope that when Miss Rosalie opens up all her presents and gets happy playing with the wrapping paper those smiles will make all the stress worth it!

    I have a busy weekend full of parties this weekend so I am sure I will feel like you do party pooped by monday.

    Have a great weekend and I hope you have a good time at your squadron party.

  3. Tiffany, YES! I didn't know Nick was MXS, I thought he was AMXS! Are you guys taking Brynlee or are you taking her to the provided daycare? We have never left Rosalie with strangers before so she'll be attending the christmas party as well lol.

    Doris..I know it'll be totally worth it when she opens her presents. she already got a sneak peak at them. I was upstairs getting ready and kevin brought her up and the spare room door was open.. she ran in there in front of the mound of presents and just stood there like "woah" hahah. Hope you guys have fun at your party too :)
