
Monday, December 27, 2010

Did Santa Find You?

I hope Santa found you all! He was def good to the Hollis family this year! Rosalie made out pretty good.. TONS of toys.. books.. movies.. clothes. To sit here and list everything she got would put you to sleep... let's just say she had 3 hours in unwrapping presents. I honestly don't know if she has a favorite; she goes from one thing to another. She seems to spend a lot of time with this ride on Winnie the Pooh train that my dad picked out for her.. it's really obnoxious and she hits the same buttons over and over and we hear "i'm going on a train ride, i'm going on a train ride" about 45375934 times a day. Thanks Pap. hahah. Santa and Nana both got her sets of stainless steel pots and pans and she discovered if she bangs them off our tile floor it makes an obnoxious noise. Come on Santa, what were you thinking. Haha!

Kevin and I made out pretty good too... I got a lot of my presents early because I mainly asked for clothes and I needed them, so Kevin and my mom both gave me some of my stuff early. I also got 2 sets of VS flannel jammies, which I love. I asked for regular pjs because I'm always wearing under armour and t-shirts to bed.. I decided I wanted REAL pjs. They are sooo comfortable. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to order more! I also got 2 Jenny McCarthy books and one is already finished. lol. The one I finished is Life Laughs. If you haven't ever read a Jenny book, I seriously suggest you run out to B&N and pick one up right now. She tells it how it is. I'll be honest, her work is usually crude, blunt, and honest.. so if you are appalled by crude talk, save yourself a trip to the bookstore. If you're looking for a good laugh or think you're alone in some of life's mishaps, pick up one of her books. When I was pregnant a friend of mine bought me Belly Laughs. After reading every chapter I was like "Wow, I thought I was the only one. Apparently I'm not!" Anyways.. I also got Eclipse on blu-ray (which i still haven't had time to watch!), Made of Honor (one of my FAVORITE movies), and House Season 6. I also got a Clarisonic face machine. The most AMAZING thing my face has ever experienced! Kevin got tons of clothes, PT gear, a PSP, games, and accessories.

We had a lovely Christmas. Our awesome friends came over for dinner which makes it a whole lot nicer when you're so far away from all your family at Christmas time.

Yes, we were the scrooges that took down our tree already. Rosalie already had half of it undecorated and we needed to get it out of the way... Rosalie got a lady bug tent for Christmas and you couldn't walk in my livingroom with the tree and tent so the tree had to go. We spent the day yesterday de-Christmasing my house and organizing toys. We went to the base and got bins and shelves... needless to say, my livingroom looks like a Toys-R-Us.

With the new year upon us, I'm feeling tons of mixed emotions... excitement to see what the new year will bring us and all of the European vacations we have planned... scared knowing that we are coming up on our first deployment and rosalie and i will be in Italy alone. Yes, we have been separated before for TDYs and schooling and BMT, but this time it's different.. I'll be in a foreign country with a 1 year old, by myself. Speaking of New Year... do you set a New Years Resolution? I never did.. until last year. I always thought a year is a long time.. i won't stick to it. Last year I did. I set a resolution to take off 50 lbs and I did it.. I actually went well over the 50 lbs. This year, I'm setting another.. to lose another 20 lbs. That's a little less than 2 lbs a month.. totally feasible. I've already made a jump start and got back on the wagon as soon as Christmas was over! What's your resolution?

I'm not going to bog this blog down with tons of Christmas pictures.. instead I'm just going to attach the Christmas photobook I made.
I'm about 100% sure I've rambled enough.. Rosalie is sleeping and since we were up at 4:30 because of a certain baby screaming over her last molar, I'm def going to go relax.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and have Happy New Year!


  1. I love all the loot! I got one of those clarsonic machines about a month ago. I really enjoy it. I use the body attachement in the shower too on my arms where I get those little bumps that look like chicken skin on the back of my arms lol..well anyway it has improved that area drastically! lol Ok enough about my chicken skin.

  2. Hi! I arrived at your site from "Sprinkles of My Life" which I came upon from the MilSpouses Blogging Community....anywho, I saw your blog and had to follow it because my maiden name is Hollis! Lol, I look forward to reading about life in Italy :-)

  3. Haha that's awesome! Welcome! :)

    Doris.. I love my clarisonic! My face feels so freaken awesome. I never had skin problems until I got pregnant with Rosalie and it seems like my face is nothing like before I got pregnant.. i'm hoping this helps.. i can def feel a difference already! I knew if anyone would appreciate my cosmetic christmas gifts, it would be you! :)
