
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Festa Della Zucca, Venzone, Italy

I know I haven't really been doing any other posts other than the 30 Days of Me... but we've seriously just be running so much.. and getting ready for Rosalie's birthday.. and now the next 2 days I'm going to spend ripping this house apart and clean every nook and cranny.

On Saturday, Kevin, Rosalie, and I went with our friends Meghan, Derek, and their lil girl Audrey to the Pumpkin Festival in Venzone, otherwise known as Festa Della Zucca. We went last year and didn't plan on going this year, so it was so spur of the moment we decided "yeah we'll go." We left our house around 3 and by the time we got up there and got parked it was around 4.

The first thing we did was went to a crypt where they have 5 mummies. We didn't see it last year.. honestly we didn't even know the building was a crypt. We went to the church that is right beside it and spent a very long time in there, but didn't know that right outside it's doors was 5 awesome mummies.

Meghan and I came out of the crypt and the boys were no where to be found. They went searching for pumpkin beer. We found them and they had this terrible pumpkin donut that was soaked in grappa. It was nasty.

We walked around the festival for probably 2 more hours.. looking at massively carved pumpkins and all of the displays.. trying different pumpkin foods.. and in attempts to order pizza, Kevin ordered us these sandwiches that were made from roasted pig. TERRIBLE. It was just like a chunk of fatty meat. After 1 bite, I threw it away and had a ham and cheese when we got home.

Meghan and I stopped and got the girls these renaissance headbands. They are TOO cute. They are weaved together with flowers and have flowers in the back in a big bunch and strings hang down from the bunch of flowers.

A lil history about the festival. Some years ago, the town was leveled by an earthquake. It was to be rebuilt to the original medieval design. When the city belltower was complete and the artist went to claim his pay, the town couldn't afford to pay him. They could only pay him 1/3 of what they had promised. Out of spite, the man removed the ball in the bell from the tower and replaced it with a spray painted pumpkin and fled the city. It wasn't until the ball started changing colors that people started realizing something was wrong. It was when chunks of it started falling down that they realized they had been fooled. Now every year on the 4th weekend in October, the whole town has a festival in dedication to an important agricultural item in the area, the pumpkin.

(The first view of entering Venzone since you have to park outside the city for the festival. The whole city is shut down)
(One of the super cool mummies)

(Carved pumpkins.. this was the last pic I got before my camera died so I didn't get a lot of good pics of the pumpkins *le sigh*)
(Random guys)
(My lil peanut being a ham)
(Rosalie and her bff)
(A carving inside the church)

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