
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Miss Rosalie .. 10 Months Old

It's hard to believe that my sweet lil angelic baby girl is only 2 months shy of being a year old. She's getting so big and so bad!

10 months old:

weight: 23 lbs 2 oz
height: 29 1/4 inches long
diaper size: 4 (finally out of 3s!)
clothing size: 12-18 months
teeth: 8! a 4 teeth increase since last month

sleeping: oh boy.. we're either on a sleep strike or Rosalie is just going through a growth spurt. She is up about every 3-4 hours wanting to eat. On the plus side, she is taking a 2 1/2 hour nap every day. She has never taken a nap that long in her life.

eating: she is eating 4 meals a day. she has oatmeal mixed with formula and bananas for breakfast. we started adding the bananas when we were having trouble getting her to eat.. we were trying everything possible to make sure she was getting the nutrients she needed and now we just keep doing it because she seems to eat more. she'll eat an entire bowl full. She'll have a 2 for lunch and dinner.. her choices are limited because she's so darn picky. We have tried meats and so far, it's been a fail. I don't blame her.. that stuff is rancid. Before bed she has another bowl of oatmeal and bananas. She'll have 6 oz bottles all through out the day and one after her cereal before bed. She eats about 2 6oz bottles throughout the night as well. She has cheezies and biter cookies throughout the day as well.

mobility: rosalie is walking. *SIGH* lol. I should be proud because the average baby walks at a year.. of course, Rosalie starts before she's even 10 months old. She seems to be doing everything early! Some kids at her age are just starting to crawl, my lil stinker has been crawling for 4 months now and is walking everywhere. She can get about 5-10 steps unassisted steps before falling and can stand for almost a minute unassisted. She can walk along furniture with no problem and transition from one piece to another with ease. She can walk super fast along the furniture. Every day she is walking more and more unassisted.

talking: everything is still da-da and mom. she has be doing a lot more jibberish lately and trying to make words out of it... she spits constantly and is ALWAYS laughing.

almost everything is done for Rosalie's birthday party. All i have left to order is the banner, cake plates, and favor boxes. I ordered everything from the birthday express because they ship APO and i even had a $10 off coupon! woot! I have contacted the cake lady so I don't even have to think about that other than paying for it! We got her birthday gifts.. she got a big play kitchen and a spongebob birthday movie. I've also got a big chunk of her christmas shopping done too! I hope to have every done for Christmas by the first week of November. I even ordered our christmas cards (which i got for FREE!). I used my Pampers Gifts to Grow points and got cute photo christmas cards. I ordered Rosalie's Halloween costume as well. She's going to be a cute pink poodle! I found it in a Wish Craft magazine my mom sent me and it was like $72 (costume and shipping).. and I ended up getting it from Halloween Spirits for $52! It was cheaper on there plus I had a 10% off code. I don't understand why they make Halloween costumes so darn expensive!

Next month will probably be a depressing month because I'll realize how close we are to Ro's first birthday.. I can't believe how fast the time is going and how fast she is growing! I've been pretty video happy lately so I'll try to get the rest posted.. plus I need to finish updating all of our trips when my mom was here! Sorry blog, I've been slacking!

And sorry no new pics.. I uploaded everything to SF and deleted it off my hard drive. Pics to come soon I promise!

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