So now you're wondering.... Where will our next home be????
The verdict is.. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA!
We are both really excited with this. It was actually our #4 on our dream sheet. Our #1 and #3 were bases that didn't have a single opening for Kevin's job, but we figured it didn't hurt to put them on there. Our #2 was a base that had an opening for Kevin's job, but not his rank. Birmingham was actually our compromise base. I wanted something on the east side of America and he wanted a guard base. There were 2 guard bases available on Kevin's listing. One was Birmingham and the other was March, California. Kevin wanted to go to March, so we agreed on Birmingham since it was on the east side of America and was a guard base! We have to be there by no later than April 15, 2012. We're going to take leave in between our 2 bases so we'll be back to the states in March!