
Monday, May 31, 2010

Ran Out of Gas a Mile Back..

It seems as though I just can't catch a break. Roey was finally starting to get back on schedule.. then memorial day rolls around.. and of course our neighbors have a "rock band party". They are ridiculous with it. Well they had Roey up at 11:00 and after that it was all downhill. She was up every 2 hours. The next night I was hoping for some relief, but nope. Teething. She woke up a few times throughout the night.. nothing big.. then at 4 am she started screaming. Nonstop. Ear piercing screaming. Maybe she was just paying my neighbors back. So here we are 5:30am, and she's wide awake. It's going to be a rough day.

Our Memorial Day weekend was kind of a bust. Saturday Roey and I had a birthday party to go to. It was nice to be around other people for a change lol.. and Roey had fun playing with her friend Jasmine, but we really didn't get to spend much time with Kevin on Saturday. Sunday was a big waste. We planned on going to Bricofer, which is an Italian hardware/lawn and garden store.. and to the Italian Toy store. I found online that Bricofer opened at 2:30, so we headed to Pordenone. We really needed light bulbs.. we have had 3 blow since we've been back in Italy and they don't sell the bulbs we need on base. Plus, we heard about this awesome weed killer, so we figured we would get it and give it a shot. Anyways, we got there and the sign said they didn't open back up til 3:30. (As you may have guessed by now, Italian's operate on ridiculous hours) We decided to head to the base and get a few things and kill some time. So we did that.. then headed back to Pordenone. Well apparently the Italian's decided not to open up at all that day. Unreal. Our whole day was spent driving back and forth to Pordenone. Yesterday, I spent the day cleaning. I know.. I should have spent it relaxing with Kevin.. but I took advantage of him being home. I always clean on Mondays, and I figured I'd still do it and it would be a whole lot easier since he'd be able to keep an eye on Ro. By the end of the day, I was spent.

Let's see what else has been going on. Not a whole lot of anything. Ro has been EXTREMELY whiny lately.. I'm not sure if it's her teeth of if it's this messed up sleep schedule that she's falling into.. whatever it is, momma is gettin pretty close to that edge. She's also very mobile these days. She's into absolutely everything. Her biggest obsession is our tv stand. She tries to get behind it to get cords. I seriously spend 89% of my day pulling her away from it!

Other than me being at my wits end, I guess that's all I have for now.. Ciao.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Running on E.

I know I'm long overdue.. and yes we have made it back to Italia safe and sound (only a week late right? hahaha).. let's recap this nightmare of a week.. (okay so maybe i'm being a drama queen lol)

let's start back at..

We left on Monday. It's like a 3 1/2 hour drive to BWI (with my dad's driving atleast.) Of course we left late, as always, and my dad flew like a mad man, like always. We ended up making to BWI in less than 3 hours. We checked in while mom fed Roey. Within an hour they started calling people. We were the 2nd people called. Last time I was the 2nd to last person called. Gettin called right away like that is such a relief! We said goodbyes and headed to security, which was a nightmare it's self. They wouldn't take our carseat to the plane for us, we had to take it to the gate. Stupid. Kevin had Roey and the carseat. I had the diaper bag, my carry on, and Kevin's carry on. We arrived at our gate and got Roey ready for bed. Boarded within a half an hour, and Roey was asleep as soon as we got on the plane.
Then the nightmare started.

Kids were screaming EVERYWHERE. It was unbelievably hot. They held us there for awhile. Needless to say, as we were gettin ready to take off, Ro woke up SCREAMING. There was really nothing I could do but let her cry it out. As always when she gets worked up, she puked everywhere. As soon as the seatbelt sign came off, she was out of her seat, in fresh clothes, and her dad took her so I could get the carseat cleaned. After that she went to sleep and slept the entire flight to Germany!

We arrived in Germany around 9am local time Tuesday. We had to get off the plane, reclaim our stuff, go through customs, head back through security and back onto the plane. As soon as we reboarded, Ro went right back to sleep and slept til we got to Italy! Such a relief!

When we got to Italy Kevin took our friends car back to Maniago for them since they left it on base because they flew out the week before. He stopped and claimed our mail and I took Roey home to get her bathed and settled.

We arrived home to find our breaker kicked and everything in the fridge was melted or nasttyy smelling. What a way to come home.. So we had to go grocerry shopping that night because we had absolutely nothing in our house!

The next three days consisted of unpacking everything, ironing, putting away, and washing. On top of that I had to clean out Roey's closet and dresser. I put her new crib bedding in which is super cute; hung her new curtains which I didn't order enough valances so for now it looks kind of stupid.. so I'll have to wait for the extra one to come.. and Kevin hung picture frames in her room that I got to match everything.

We rearranged our livingroom so Ro has tons more room to play and got her a carpet for the back half of the livingroom. We hung a bunch of stuff in the livingroom I got while in the states, but didn't get everything hung because the stuff I ordered from Walmart came smashed so I'm waiting on the replacements.

Kevin hung pics in our kitchen... which look really nice might I add!

Kevin got the grass cut and the trimming done.. and we started pulling the weeds out of the front of our driveway.. which is seriously a nightmare. Got the jeep washed and cleaned out.

My house is finally cleaned and back to normal.. i seriously thought this day would never come!.

Today is Kevin's first day back to work.. we're going to miss him, but it'll be nice to be just me and ro again! :)

That's all that I really have time for now.. enjoy the few extra pictures I added of Princess.. isn't she getting so big?!!?! Ciao!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

looks like we'll be babyproofing...

Tomorrow Kevin and I head back for Italia. I'm excited to get back to my house and our routines.. and decorate with everything i've been buyin in the states. I'm slowly tryin to do our livingroom in country barn stars. I've bought a good bit of stuff while here from a country store called Woods that is only 10 minutes from my house. I got a bunch of new stuff to hang in my kitchen.. new decor and bedding for ro's room.. so on top of the massive cleaning and ironing i'll have to do when I get back, I'll have some decorating on my hands! It's going to suck saying goodbye because I know how much everyone has enjoyed having Roey here.

Last Thursday Kevin's brothers came out to our house.. they came in from Delaware and Arkansas.. while they were here, Roey started crawling! She has 2 methods of crawling. 1: She gets up on her knees and leaps. 2: she pushes her chest up off the ground, pushes with one leg and drags the other. It's rather funny but she can get where she wants to go in a hurry!

On top of crawling, Ro got another tooth in! THANK GOD! Last week was a TERRIBLE nightmare. She has been superrrrr sick. Everyone around here is sick. Well she got me miserably sick so Kevin was left to do a lot of 2 days because we didn't want my germs around her bottles and such. Luckily he was here. She was so congested and her tooth was really bothering her.. lets just say we had 2 straight days of screaming before that tooth broke through!

Well that's all I have time for.. no time to even post pics! We're getting ready to head out the door to have one last big dinner with everyone.

Next post will come from Italia. CIAO

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Half Birthday Princess :)

So I'm 3 days late on this.. but we've been pretty busy!

Roey turned 6 months 3 days ago and boy has she developed in just one month. It blows me away how fast she is developing and how much she is doing now. Let's recap the past month:

Current weight: 18 lbs
Current height 28 1/4 inches.
Current clothes size: mostly 6-12 month
Current diaper size: 3

She is now sitting up all on her own.

Her first tooth is in. Bottom front right.. the left one is almost through now too. The whole teething process sucks. period. she's totally worth it though.

Ears are officially pierced. She did awesome. Her pain tolerance is so high it blows me away. Makes me wonder if she really is mine :) haha

She is rolling all over the place and army crawling (slowly but surely).. she'll be up on her knees crawling in no time.. she's working so hard on it.. she gets up on her knees and pushes constantly lol

Roey is eating fruits, veggies, and cereal. The only thing we have found that she doesn't like is peas.

She is now sayin "da-da" and "daddy." She is quite the talker. She laughs all the time.. squeals.. giggles.. talks.. such a happy lil girl.

Well that's all the time I have for now.. This was just a rush to get it in while Ro naps! CIAO

OHHH and today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day.. please take the time to recognize and appreciate all of those strong, courageous, amazing women and men that sacrifice more than anyone leading a civilian life could ever know.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Roey has spent the past 2 months with me.. we've only communicated with Daddy via skype or telephone. Well in those 2 months I've been working sooo hard to get her to say Ma, Mamma, or whatever she can get out... my dad's been pushing her to say Pap..

So last night out comes "dada." We thought it was a fluke. Then it was followed with MANY dadas and daddys! What a lil stinker! He's home for less than a week and she's saying his name! She's constantly saying it now!

Ciao for now!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Daddy, Teeth, and Ears.. all in a few days!

The last few days have been extremely eventful.. let's start back at Wednesday.

Kevin flew in from Italy. After being away from him for 2 months I was pretty excited to see him. His flight was suppose to come in around 4, so Dad and I planned to leave around lunch time and head to TC Racecars for some racing stuff, then to the airport. His flight ended up being delayed and didn't come in until til around 7. By the time we got him and headed back to PA. It was around 11:30 when we got back. We had just got to bed and Roey woke up aound 4am or so. I was sooo exhausted. Her lil teeth were really hurting her. She didn't sleep very long before she was up for the day then.

moving on to Thursday:
Roey got her ears pierced and OMG does she look precious! She looks like quite the lil lady!
This picture was taken right after she got them done. She didn't scream tooo hard (Kevin thought she did, but I heard her scream louder over her teeth).. and she only cried for about a minute, then starting spitting at the girl that did them. She's such a lil ham!

Then Friday rolls around:
And roey woke up with her very first tooth! She got her first one in the bottom.. you could tell she was relieved because she was a completely different baby yesterday. So happy and pleasant.. so we took her for a walk. For the first time she used her stroller like a big girl and she loveeeeed it.

So as you can see it's been pretty eventful. I'm pretty excited to spend the next few weeks in PA with Kevin and Roey.

Until next time.